Fifty percent

It is after midnight and I decided to write. I love to write and there is no better time to write than now. Feels that way. Right after waking and feeling recharged. I noticed that my phone was at 50% charge and that is what I am going to write about. Is the phone battery half full or half empty? I am an optimist at heart. Most of the time I see the glass as half full. I am accustomed to making do with what I have. In many ways I am also lucky so it is easy to speak this way but it is what I know and I give my perspective. The percent (%) symbol looks like the yin and yang symbol. So much of life is a choice between one thing or the other. Life is a balance. That is really what it comes down to.

There are also some interesting perspectives when we are thinking about the glass being half full or half empty as I discovered some in this reddit thread. One is that the glass is twice as big as it needs to be. Another is that the glass is half empty if you are emptying it and half full if you are filling it. Then we have to consider the contents of the glass. We assume it is filled with something good then half full is good. But if it is filled with something bad then half empty is better. This has me looking for more perspectives and has me thinking, "man it is never as simple as black and white, there is always some gray." I like this Lisa Ling quote, "There's so much grey to every story - nothing is so black and white."

I also came across this quote of unknown origin that I really feel. "She sees in black and white, thinks in grays but loves in color." Somehow everything leads to love and that is really putting things into perspective. Instead of pondering on whether the glass is half full or half empty I should really be appreciating the beauty of the glass. It holds what I have. It is a vessel of possibility. A vessel of opportunity. I am thankful that I even have a glass to fill. Much like life and this body that we are given. A body with a heart that was made to love. A vessel for our soul. My battery is now at 39%. That represents energy. Energy like love and everything else has a source and the ultimate source is God. I found this hadith that is a fitting way to conclude my blog post, "Indeed God has vessels from the people of the earth, and the vessels of your Lord are the hearts of His righteous servants: the most beloved of them to Him are those which are the gentlest and softest."


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