Ecommerce payment options in Trinidad and Tobago

This blog post is a work in progress and will be updated as new information comes to hand. I want to explore the available ecommerce payment options available to web developers in Trinidad and Tobago.

A term that you will hear often in this space is payment gateway. This is the technology platform that allows your business to accept debit and credit card payments.

First Atlantic Commerce and WiPay are the payment gateway options available in Trinidad and Tobago. To use FAC you apply through the banks in Trinidad and you follow FAC and bank instructions. WiPay uses FAC in their backend but they hide that hassle for you.

A good approach at this point would be to make a matrix, your needs versus what the two options offer versus advantages and disadvantages from the business owner perspective and from the web developer perspective.

What about international options like Paypal and Shopify? These work if you have an account with a US bank for your business. This is a worthwhile consideration and something to research.

There are some developing options that are worth mentioning and researching. These are Social Pay and Buzz Pay.

What other ecommerce payment processing options would you add to this blog post? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.


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