My advice to tech startups in Trinidad and Tobago

Tech startups are needed in Trinidad and Tobago. There is so much that we could be doing more of in the tech space. We need more app, web and solution development. We need more online workflows and digital payment processing. We need a robust tech ecosystem. We need leaders who see the need to invest in tech. Congratulations to those who chose to startup in tech. You are needed and I would like to share some advice from the persective as a tech blogger and someone in the tech space for a very long time.

Firstly, you need to let others know about what you offer. This is where advertisment is very important even if you have a small or no budget. It just means that you have to be more creative. Come up with a marketing strategy. Social media is huge these days. Be honest about your newness and what you offer. Everyone understands that businesses have to start somewhere. Let persons know more about the persons on your team.

There is a saying that you have to know people to get things done. This is a crude way of talking about networking. Networking helps greatly. It is traditional and cultural. Persons want to get to know and be close to persons they do business with. You have to make connections and build relationships. You have to sell yourself and your startup.

Make sure you are managing your connections, relationships, prospects and customers in a good way. This is where a customer relationship management system is very useful. Start using a CRMS early in the game so not to miss out and then this becomes easier later on. If your budget is small then start with a spreadsheet and something that can be easily imported later on.

Practice what you preach. You can't be selling tech and all it's benefits and you are not using it yourself. It's telling when you eat the food you make, so to speak. Lead by example. Tech startups could be hiring other tech startups.

Finally, don't undercharge and don't waste time on pursuing customers that are really not interested. It takes money to make money and you want to have a healthy cashflow. Undercharging creates a bad habit for customers and they will always want things below cost which is not sustainable.


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