What has it been like to be a blogger in Trinidad for the past 10 years?

I have seen the rise and fall of blogging. Blogging has been taken over by social media but I still see a role for blogging. Blogging is more personal and more in my control. More persons in Trinidad are online. More persons are on social media. Companies are slowly warming to the idea of a proper online presence, content creation and a digital strategy.

Blogging for me, is about being able to share myself, my thinking and my knowledge. From time to time I get comments thanking me for something I shared. Blogging has also made connections for me. Sometimes I get invited to launches and other events. Sometimes I am sent press releases. Sometimes I am asked to give my opinions. I have even been able to talk about my blog in job interviews.

I have written hundreds of blog posts over the years and have gotten hundreds of thousands of blog views. My blog has never made it big. It was always a side hustle and not for profit. I did it for the love of it. My goal is to continue enjoying what I do and still be doing this 10 years from now. I am now a full time blogger and can devote more time to creating something bigger and better.

There is a need for more bloggers in Trinidad and Tobago. Especially tech bloggers. It feels lonely and boring to be one of the handful of tech bloggers in Trinidad. Makes me think that I should be doing more to encourage others to be tech bloggers.

In summary, I plan to use my experience to better the tech blogging space in Trinidad and Tobago. I get to cover local topics that international blogs don't. I am a local perspective. A local voice. A local stakeholder. My job is made much more easier with your support. Your views. Your comments and shares. Your likes. Your invites and press releases.


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