Digicel Mobile Wallet

Update 14 December 2023 : Domain name for the service established. It is mycashtt.com. The logo there is the same logo that can be seen on the app store for My Cash that is available in Jamaica. We can probably get an idea of what we might get in Trinidad by looking at what is available in Jamaica. According to a Google inurl search, the indexed date of the landing page was October 20 2023.

Update 11 October 2023 : Central bank authorises Digicel My Cash to issue e-money in Trinidad and Tobago

Original blog post : I made a connection on LinkedIn today and the person's job title is Head of Wallet at Digicel in the Jamaica office. At first I thought nothing of this but later on in the night I started to ask questions. Looks like Digicel is developing a mobile wallet app for our markets in Trinidad and Jamaica.

When I do a Google search for Digicel wallet I see that Digicel has the My Cash app in Samoa and Cell Moni app in Papua New Guinea.

What is a mobile wallet? Mobile wallet apps let you make purchases without carrying physical plastic cards or cash with you. The other term that is used is digital wallet. Popular examples are Google Pay and Apple Pay.

I also did a search on LinkedIn and came across another person who is Head of Financial Services (Mobile Wallet) and under job description states - Committed to a financially inclusive cashless Caribbean economy. Currently developing the product roadmap for a mobile wallet application in Trinidad and Jamaica.

I am looking forward to the launch of this. What are your thoughts on this development?


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