If your financial needs were met for the rest of your life, what would you do?

That was a question I came across on twitter. My immediate answer was tech youtuber. Now that I am writing this blog post I am asking myself another question and that is, why did I not answer tech blogger? Tech youtuber would be more challenging for me. Also, youtuber is the current and popular thing while blogger is old school. My youtube channel is small. I have 309 subscribers, 95 videos and about 43,000 views. I have 10 videos that have crossed 1,000 views. One of the things that I let hold me back from making more youtube videos is that I don't have a good laptop. But that is me making excuses.

Every big youtuber was once a small youtuber. I would say that I made a good start and my youtube channel is a nice extension to my blogging. There are not many tech youtubers in Trinidad and Tobago. I feel like this is an option that more trinis should pursue. My idea of a tech lab would be something that encourages this. What I got from the question (the title of this blog post) is that money and time are not problems so that I can pursue my passion and be totally committed.

Tech has always been my passion and I have been a tech blogger and content creator for a long time. I don't have a large audience but that does not deter me and it has never been a main goal of mines. My main goals are to create quality, be better than before and enjoy the journey. One of my favorite youtubers is Marques Brownlee. He is thorough and explains simply. In a recent interview Marques mentioned that there is beauty in simplicity and I think the same way. His production quality is high and something many upcoming tech youtubers can aim towards.

One of the things I want to do differently with my youtube channel is to create a variety of tech content and not just focus on smart phones and consumer tech. Also local and regional content is a priority for me. I am happy everytime I come across local content, something that I can relate to and that represents me. I want to create what I am looking for which I see happens to many creators. Also, I feel like their is a role for tech bloggers and tech youtubers in Trinidad and Tobago's digital transformation journey. It would be passion with a purpose for me.


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