My thinkpiece on crime in Trinidad and Tobago

I think one of the questions we have to ask and provide answers for is why is the crime problem much less in Tobago? What can we learn from Tobago? Crime in Trinidad is a huge problem and is growing steadily. It is affecting well being, family life, business, investment and country negatively. This is not an overnight problem. It took some time for us to reach here. Dealing with crime demands a multistakeholder approach with particular attention to root causes and prevention. National security has a huge budget. Spending on technology can help with analysis, prevention and security at personal, community and national levels.

Is the education system doing enough to mold upstanding citizens? I think our education system is mainly a factory for employers. There is too much emphasis on passing exams and beating books. Wealth is created on the backs of cheap labour. Cheap labour being those who do not win at the education race. We need equity in the distribution of wealth. There is plenty of discussion that is saying that trickle down economics has failed. We need more appreciation and recognition and opportunity for those that are burdened with the jobs that no one wants and consequent low standard of living.

We should develop a system of politics that is modern and suited to us and move away from the one we inherited. What we have now is a race based two party shouting match. I profess that their is a link between failed politics and crime. Then what about the broken justice system? Justice should not depend on being able to afford the best and expensive lawyers. Justice is about being right or wrong and consequences and not the quality of your lawyer. Justice is not about finding loopholes in the laws. The system is inefficient and the laws are complicated.

Having functioning safety nets for those that fall through the cracks is important. Part of this is restorative justice that helps with recidivism. Then there are the social support initiatives. Persons must feel cared for and have options for support. Persons must not feel alone and troubled to decide to turn to wrong deeds for help. We must recognise and promote the good work of NGOs and forward wanting to volunteer. Then there is family planning and we have to invest heavily into this. It takes a village to raise a child and we have to be our brothers keeper. We must create a culture of mediation. People must allow conflict resolution instead of turning to violence.

Let's say that we accept that life is unfair and that it is a rat race and that we are just crabs in a barrel trying to get out. Some are able to amass great wealth leaving others to make do with what is left. We don't have to let life make us jaded and apathetic. My religion teaches me that life is a test whether rich or poor and that the real rewards are in the hereafter. We are here to work towards our goals. We dont have to make status and wealth the only definition of success. We don't have to be attracted to a life of crime. We can find purpose and reward and contentment regardless. There is more benefit in working to change the system than in trying to beat the system. There is some amount of personal responsibility also. Let us all work together to make positive changes for the betterment of all.


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