Being lucky and privileged

I have had some amount of luck in my life. I have had some amount of privilege also. We all do. Some persons more than others. We are all dealt different hands in life. I think it is important to recognise this. We should think about this and maybe we should not be so hard on others. We should be willing to help others. We should pay it forward. Lets provide benefits for others in the same way we benefitted in one way or the other. Be humble. Be kind. Everyone is struggling with things we can't see and we can see. Be open to calls for equity.

What is luck? One dictionary definition of luck is, the force that causes things, especially good things, to happen to you by chance and not as a result of your own efforts or abilities. What is privilege? One dictionary definition of privilege is, an advantage that only one person or group of people has, usually because of their position or because they are rich.

So while we recognise luck and privilege so that we are humble, kind and helpful for example and especially to others, we are not going to use it as an excuse to not work for what we want. We still have to do the work. We still have to aim for our goals. We still have to be positive. We still have to put our best foot forward. I enjoy reading others stories of how they overcame and how they sacrificed despite the struggles but I also like to hear how they got a lucky break too.

It seems like a good thing to want to live in a world where luck and privilege matters less. Even if not so, where there are enough avenues for everyone to succeed and make something for themselves. We should not have to describe life as a rat race. We should not be acting like crabs in a barrel. Now that I have given my two cents have a read of this scientific read that I found on the national geographic website On Privilege and Luck, or Why Success Breeds Success.


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