A prayer for the world

I feel a how when people say that God does not exist and dismisses the power of prayers. God is real and prayers work. I was not always this strong in my belief but I am now. I encourage anyone that is unsure or that has questions to give God and prayers a chance. We have nothing to lose when we put our trust and faith in God. I like this quote by Henri Nouwen who said, "God is not a being to be seen. God is a love to be felt." Love is the answer. God is the answer. God is love.

I want to say a prayer for the world. I pray that good triumphs over all else. I want a world where kindness is the currency. Where good deeds are celebrated and encouraged. Where we love unconditionally. Where those that need help get the help they need. God give us the strength to face the challenges that confront us now and in the future. Give us the wisdom to think rationally and purposefully. Give us leaders who have our best interests at heart. Make us world citizens with character and good actions.

Life is a gift from God. Let us use it wisely. We thank you God for your guidance. We ask you for patience and gratitude. I am one person who thinks my prayers can solve the world of problems. Imagine a world full of prayers. I pray the world unites for positive change. Bless the change makers and those of us doing good works in our communities and in the world. Bless the parents who are tasked with raising the next generation. Bless those who give without asking for anything in return.

Life is a test and there are so many questions. The world has the smarts and tools to make things better. Prayer is one of those tools. Let us put our problems in the hands of God. Life is beautiful. The world is beautiful. Our existence and that you are reading this is proof that God is. The world needs God. The world needs prayers. I pray for a better world. I pray for you and me. Forgive us and make us better so that we can in turn make the world better.


Anonymous said…
Beautiful, moving <3

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