That moment in time

It is nine forty nine in the morning. The sun casts a mean shadow letting us know that today will be another scorcher in Trinidad. Island life can be simple. If you enjoy the simple then there is that. There were times when I was really into photography. I learnt all the terminology. I was active on the photography forums. I was carrying a Nikon D5000. These were good times. I made the time for this love of mines. Times change and sometimes we have to make time for other things. But my love for photography never died.

Some say time is an illusion. Some say there is no past or future but only the now. Photography allows us to capture those moments in time. This is the moment I decided that I wanted to rekindle my affair with photography and I was going to write about it. My creative juices flowed. I would take a marker that I thought was still good but was lacking ink. The marker had seen better times. I took a sticky note and I wrote the word time on it. I went outside looking for that best photo.

I went looking for good lighting. I experimented a bit with different locations for my sticky note. I angled the smartphone to get good angles. I felt like a photographer again. The adrenalin and serotonin were now flowing. My mind had escaped the humdrum of this ordinary Saturday morning. I had taken ten photos and I was content. I hustled back inside as if I had a deadline to meet. Time was of the essence. I did not want my thoughts on this to get stale. Hold the press, Hassan had a story to tell.

This was my moment to shine. My moment in time. I had taken tons of photos before but none like this. I was building up to this moment like the red bricks that surround me that I call home. I felt at home with what was once my favorite pastime. Many moments will come again but this moment will never come again except in this photograph and the story I have told.


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