
This is a chapter from my third book called Love letters

I was born on a tiny island at the end of the Caribbean archipelago in May nineteen eighty. These islands have been my home for most of my life. We are small in number and size but big in heart. The steelpan was born out of the ingenuity and creativity of the Trinbagonian people. The vibrant sounds of the steelpan mimics the hopes in our hearts. The people are a steelpan symphony where rhythms unite and cultures blend in harmony.

I love my country and my fellow man so I obey the laws. I love my country so I respect my elders. I love my country so I volunteer to help others. I love my country so I support local. I love my country so I do not litter. I love my country so I vote responsibly. I love my country so I am a good citizen. Loving my country does not mean that I have to be blind to its problems. Every country has its flaws but loving our country means that we are committed to making it a better place for everyone.

My country can count on me and I can count on my country in return. We are blessed with natural resources. We have a developing tech space that has seen the development of strong internet infrastructure. We are connected to each other and the world so that we can have our say and make our mark. We have education and health systems that are open to everyone. We have low cost electricity. We have a stable economy and governance. We have a beautifully warm climate. We are a land of opportunity.

Loving my country and the people means I will want to do my country good. I will want to see my country grow and develop. I will be part of the solutions instead of contributing to more problems. The true patriot Brian Lara has said, "I love Trinidad and Tobago because it is a country of dreamers. We are a people who are always striving to achieve our goals, no matter how difficult they may seem." I dream of Trinidad and Tobago where peace and freedom reaches every corner and person. I dream of having an impact towards this through my writing. This is my home and I love you.


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