
This is a chapter from my third book called Love letters

There is no benefit to me to have hate in my heart for anyone. I love everyone. Everyone is going through struggles that we cannot see. Be kind always. Who knows it feels it. God is the ultimate judge. A person's intentions are between him and God. The often stated idiom goes, before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. We believe in God and the goodness of God and the power of prayers. As such it makes sense to pray for others instead of hate others. Guide and help others instead of hate others. Be happy for others instead of hate others.

I love everyone and that gives me true joy. My heart was made for loving. Love is the answer. God is the answer. God is love. We are one race and that is the human race. If we hate others then we will also be hated and this perpetuates a cycle of hate and creates more hate in the world. The ultimate goal of humankind is peace and to achieve the most amount of peace we need the most amount of love. Love is contagious and it has the power to transform lives and transform the world.

Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore has said that, "Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation." Tagore believed in the power of love and that love is the essence of God and that it is the source of all goodness and beauty. He also believed that love is the only force that can truly unite us all. This is the kind of person and thinking that inspires and motivates me. It guides me and keeps me focused on the right path. It makes me want good and want to be good. And what I want for myself, I want for others. God loves everyone.

I was reading Sharon Salzberg's post on mindful.org titled "Love Everyone" and she shared a story from Jacqueline Novogratz. It was about a blue sweater that Jacqueline donated to Goodwill that she found five thousand miles away a decade later being worn by a little boy. As she put it, "I've held that story as a metaphor for how interconnected we are, how our action and our inaction can impact people we might never know and never meet, every day of our lives, all around the world." And look how that story has connected with me and has now connected with you. These are the ripples of human existence as I like to call them. Since we are interconnected and interdependent and we create ripples that can become giants, I would rather create a giant of love than a giant of hate. I love everyone.


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