God above

It is Friday. I love Fridays. Thank God it's Friday. For me it means that I have made it through another week. I celebrate the simplicity of my life. I am content and I make do with what I have. I had a nap and my mind is fresh as the flowers in the morning. It is shortly after three in the afternoon and there is a steady downpour of rain. Besides Friday making me happy, the rain is making me happy. I wanted to capture this moment in a blog post.

I think of rain as a blessing from above. Water is the source of all life. The rain has even more of an impact now because most of the days have been so hot and dry in Trinidad recently. They say we are in for a period of el nino until May next year. I love May. I was born on a Friday in May. When my tiny self and my mom left the comfort of the hospital it was pouring rain. We had to travel from the capital city to the hills of Arima. May brings the rain in Trinidad.

The rain is what makes our island green and lush in parts. The rainforest comes alive and the waterfalls become spectacularly energetic albeit dirty. The rain washes away the bad vibes. The rain cleans the air to a healthy crispness. I love the lulling sound of the rain. It is as if I am small again and God himself is gently rocking me to sleep. The smell of rain lifts our spirit and smooths our breathing. Have you ever been wet in the rain? Oh what a joy that brings! A moment of letting go of all qualms.

The rain is a reminder of God's mercy. The rain is a gift from God that nourishes the soul. There are two unknown quotes that captures how I feel at the moment: The rain is a gift from above, and it washes away all the troubles of life; Raindrops are like little kisses from heaven, sent to remind us that we are loved; Dear God above continue to shower us with your blessings and guidance.


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