
This is a chapter from my third book called Love letters

Hero is a heron who has visited us a couple of times. He is a black crowned night heron. He wears his crown with valor. How can I describe Hero when I think he is indescribable? I will try anyway. Handsome shades of brown. Tall and unassuming. Orange eyes and black pupils that resemble a lunar eclipse on an alien planet. He quietly appears out of nowhere. It was by chance or fate that I encountered him perched on the railing of the bridge in front my home today.

I have seen him before. I did not know when I would see him again since the last sighting. Graceful and taking his time. He does not flaunt his stature but shows confidence. There is a hero within this heron and there is a hero within all of us. We can be the hero we all needed when we were going through our struggles.

Hero is not like the other birds. Seems old and wise and experienced. He stays within close distance and does not fly away like the other birds. I bet he has seen so much of life that now he could not be bothered. He is not afraid of a silly old writer with a camera in me. In fact he probably has dreams of making it on the cover of National Geographic. But maybe he is just content roaming the streets and waterways of Warrenville.

Whatever his ambitions he brought a message of hope and love that I am sharing with the world. I love the smile you brought to my face and the courage you left with me. You are my hero. So fly high and free and know that you will always be remembered by me. In my heart, your legacy is forever made.


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