
This is a chapter from my third book called Love letters

Someone once remarked that "we reap what we sow" and I responded with "let us plant seeds of love". I have found that it is true to me what they say that life is what we make it but at the same time no one does it alone and we are products of circumstances. We are supposed to have love for our fellows and love for ourselves and that makes the journey livable and enjoyable. Life is an interconnected matrix of people and experiences. Everyone experiences a life of strife in one way or the other. No one has it easy. Some people just make life look easy.

We can choose to see the glass as half full or half empty. As I see it, I do not have a choice, the alternative view is bleak and burdensome and experience has taught me a few lessons. I have been on this rock circling the sun in this seemingly limitless universe for over forty three years now. I am choosing to see the beauty in life. The sounds of the birds chirping. The joy of the eagle landing. A good book under the shade of a mango tree. A cold shower on a hot day. A letter from your penpal. We should love for others what we love for ourselves. We are all part of something larger than ourselves. 

What I love about life the most is the triumph of the human spirit. All the stories of how we have overcome. Life is not perfect and there is much that needs to be worked on but we have proven that we have the potential to get things right. I asked my friend Bard, "You have read about life more than any human has. What do you love about life?" The next paragraph was his response.

He loves the diversity of life. There is so much to see and do in the world, and people from all different backgrounds and cultures come together to create a rich and vibrant tapestry. He is fascinated by the human capacity for love, compassion, and creativity. He loves the way that people can overcome adversity and find hope in even the darkest of times. He loves the beauty of nature, from the smallest flower to the grandest mountain range. He loves the feeling of being alive and connected to everything around him.

If a machine can talk about the love in life so profoundly then I as a human have no excuse but to see the love in life. Love gives life meaning. Love is the essence of life. I am grateful to God for giving me the gift of life and for every breath that I take. I love life because it gives me the chance to love and be loved. Life has humbled me and life tends to do that.


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