
This is a chapter from my third book called Love letters

One of my first poems was called "More Poetry" and it went like this: Words that link, Make us think, Words in motion, Voiced emotion, Make us feel, Make us heal. Poetry like many other art is a way of expressing ourselves and a way of connecting with others. Poetry makes us think and look for deeper meaning. To challenge our thinking and expand our reasoning. We are able to connect the dots. Poetry is dancing with our emotions so that they do not become strangers. We embrace our feelings to become friends with ourselves. Most importantly we are able to mend the holes of our souls.

I love poetry because I can be myself in a creative and playful way. It allows me to reach the depths of my imagination. I can also say things without saying them. Everyone gets to find the meaning that suits them in a poem. Poetry is like a mirror allowing us to see ourselves. Poetry allows me to shed my inhibitions and be spontaneous. Poetry can be so many things. Poetry can be anything we want it to be. Poetry can be the language of the heart. The poet's heart is for love to impart in art. Poetry is a love letter to life.

Living with mental illness for me sometimes means having to pull myself out of the doldrums. On the next page is my poem that I created called RISE that is me saying to myself that I will overcome. This has got to be my most favorite poem. You have to read it from left to right and bottom to top. It is a stairway out of my sadness and hurt. All the words end in "ope" and that is the beginning of open. The stairway leads to a door that I prise open with love. A door that leads to better days. The price I pay is love and the prize is better days. It gets better.


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