
This is a chapter from my third book called Love letters

I do not know if there are other writers who share their chapters online as they write them. I come from a blogging background so it feels quite normal to do this. My blog readers come from a diverse listing of countries according to my blog statistics. Most are from Trinidad and Tobago and the United States but there are other countries like Luxembourg, Iran, Colombia, Singapore and France. For the past month I have gotten over two thousand views but I do not have stats for RSS readers.

I love that my books are freely available for download from my blog and discoverable through search engines. I already have the title of my first chapter in my next book called "Freedom". It is called "The happiest day of my life" and there is a twist. I appreciate the comments, messages and likes. I would like to get a laptop so that I could continue work on my second book, "Learning to code again". We will see how that goes. I already had one person who messaged wanting to see more tech content. There are three chapters in this book related to tech - Machines, Coding and Technology.

I will send my book to a few university English departments to see if I can get some feedback. I pray that no one is annoyed or offended by what I write. If I am going to be a great writer one day I have to pass through the stages of not being a good writer. In my first book I talked about the huge number of possible books that can be written. This makes this book a lucky one because most books will never get written. That makes me lucky and you lucky. I hope this book encourages you to write your own love letters and discover your own love letters. I love my readers. Jorge Luis Borges has told us that, "I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library." I pray that our love letters will be in that library.


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