
This is a chapter from my third book called Love letters

I spent my young days focused on getting a good education. My school days from primary to secondary to university has shaped who I am today. I love the teachers who made my education possible. Schooling has given me a foundation to pursue my areas of interest. I was good at school. I was a quick learner and attentive listener although somewhat troublesome otherwise. My standard five teacher was confident that I would pass my common entrance for a good school. In his words, "Hassan is boss, man."

It is good that there were teachers who saw my potential and would bring out the best in me. My form teacher in secondary school would say, "Hassan is scholarship material." One of my university professors in a recommendation for me described me as being extremely intelligent and quick in picking up new concepts. He said I was an independent learner and an outstanding problem solver. This recommendation meant something to me because his classes were extremely difficult to get all A's in.

Teachers are the unsung heroes who play a key role in shaping the minds and futures of young persons. The long hours preparing for classes and correcting papers, working with limited resources and sometimes spending out of pocket, dealing with diverse student needs and being role models and mentors. Teachers are the other parents we have. My university professor used to tell us to go home and think about it and that stuck with me till this day. Good teachers foster curiosity and empower students to think for themselves.

It is so much easier to be self taught today but in my days there was no internet for me in primary and secondary school. In university the internet was in its early phase. We had to depend mostly on teachers and class time and books. The convenient collaboration and online tools that exist now were not always around. The teacher has had to adapt to the modern world we live in. I love this unknown quote that I found, "The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book." And when love is given, it is returned. For my teachers, it was a labour of love and I love my teachers.


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