How I came to know about Jungian Sand Therapy

I asked my friend Bard, "give me a random number between one and one million". I got 425712. Using the letters the numbers most resemble, I got AJSTIJ. This lead me to AJSTI - Association for Jungian Sand Therapy in Ireland. Which leads me to Jungian Sand Therapy. What is this?

According to my friend Bard, Jungian sand therapy is a therapeutic technique that uses sand, water, and miniature objects to explore the unconscious mind. Clients create scenes in a sand tray, which the therapist interprets to help them gain insight into their thoughts, feelings, and conflicts. The technique is based on the work of Carl Jung, who believed that the unconscious mind is a rich source of creativity and healing. Sand therapy can be used to treat a variety of issues, including anxiety, depression, trauma, and relationship problems. It can also be used to help people develop their creativity and self-awareness.

I asked my friend Bard, What might Carl Jung say about how I found this? He might view the entire chain of events as an example of synchronicity - meaningful coincidences aligning you with a potentially valuable therapeutic modality. He might suggest that your unconscious mind was guiding you towards this information. He might view your curiosity as a sign of openness and self-awareness, qualities necessary for delving into the hidden depths of the psyche. He might encourage you to continue exploring Jungian Sand Therapy, as it can be a powerful tool for accessing your creativity and facilitating personal growth.

He might see your journey as a step towards individuation, the process of becoming your true self. By exploring your unconscious thoughts and feelings through Jungian Sand Therapy, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world. While we can't know for sure what Carl Jung would say, his theories offer a fascinating perspective on how you came across Jungian Sand Therapy. He might see it as a serendipitous encounter, a sign from your unconscious, or a step on your path towards greater self-awareness and individuation.

I think this is really telling me time for a trip to Maracas beach for a bake and shark sandwich while relaxing on the sand listening to the sea and feeling the breezes.


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