Interesting local coding projects

I set out to learn about interesting local coding projects. We have the recently launched DHub gitlab instance but there are no public projects in there to look at. The next place I could look is github but where do I start? I decided that I should look at the top github users in Trinidad and Tobago and see what projects they are working on. If you know of interesting local coding projects I can look at please leave a comment with links to them. The problem is that I could not find a list of top github users for Trinidad and Tobago. I found this project but Trinidad and Tobago was not included. Jamaica on the other hand is there.

I then set out to create my own listing for Trinidad and Tobago. I found that github had a REST api that I could use. I could have also used GraphQL but the REST api would be easier. I have Pydroid installed on my mobile so I decided to use Python for the coding. After some Google searches and figuring out I was able to come up with a list sorted by follower count. In the future I would try to see what other metrics I could use for the listing.

This is what my python code looks like

import requests

api_url = ""

response = requests.get(api_url)


for user in users["items"]:
    api_url = user["url"]
    user_detail = requests.get(api_url).json()

And this was the results as of the date of this blog post. I do not know if there is a more efficient way to do this in one api call.

I have created a nice looking html page that I shared on my github pages. The latest code on github is here. The real goal though is to find interesting local coding projects so let us know if you know of any. If I find any I would highlight them on my blog in the future. Also, it feels really nice to have done some coding after some time. There shall be more coding in the new year, God willing.


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