Which came first?

It is early Christmas morning and I am up early. Santa did not bring me anything. He never does. Does that mean I was naughty? Santa goes "ho ho ho" or rather "no no no" as in no gifts for you. I then reply, "ha ha ha, I am on the laughty list this year". How did I get here? Here as in this blog post. I went to search for something on Google and I mispelled Google and ended up with Goohle instead. Found out that Goohle is a mountain peak in Somalia. My interest peaked and I began on an adventure of learning. Goohle in reverse is elhoog and there was nothing interesting to me to find there. I then realised that Google in reverse is elgoog which led me to elgoog.im. A website that documents Google Easter eggs. It is Christmas morning and I am playing with Easter eggs. Go figure.

Then I noticed that if I rearrange the letters of google I can get "egg" and "ool" and "ool" is the abbreviation for origin of life as I found through Wikipedia. I then came across LUCA - the Last Universal Common Ancestor. According to wikipedia, "While no fossil evidence of the LUCA exists, the detailed biochemical similarity of all current life (divided into the three domains) makes it plausible." This lead me to the name Luca which possibly derives from Lucas with one possible origin meaning of "bringer of light". I then came across this video on youtube - How Did Life Begin? Neil deGrasse Tyson on Life on Earth & Beyond - https://youtu.be/KziWbJWwntg. Just before the 2:42 mark in the video, "tree of life" was mentioned and my interest was piqued.

The context from the video was, "By studying the basic biochemistry shared by many organisms we can begin to piece together how biochemical systems evolved near the roots of the tree of life." According to wikipedia, "The tree of life is a fundamental archetype in many of the world's mythological, religious, and philosophical traditions." I then learnt about the Baobab tree in Africa nicknamed the "Tree of life" or upside-down tree. Its branches resemble roots. According to my friend Bard, "The word "baobab" is ultimately believed to come from Arabic, specifically the phrase "bu hibab," which translates to "fruit with many seeds." This accurately describes the baobab's characteristic large, pulpy fruit filled with numerous seeds."

All this has me thinking: If we can talk about tree of life then we can talk about seed of life. Sol for short. Sol is also used to refer to the sun. Which has me asking, is the sun the seed of life? Which has me thinking back to Luca as noted before as "the bringer of light". What a journey I have been on. The sun is out and it is time for me to get to the mini mart to get a few items. I can't think of an interesting way to end this blog post. I am even wondering if I should even publish this blog post. Maybe I can end like I started by talking about eggs. Today is a good day for some non alcoholic ponche de creme (Trinidad's eggnog). After sitting on my thoughts I was able to hatch an ending that I find engaging or should I say egg-aging?

Want to hear a yolk? Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side... before the egg did! That is one way to answer the question, which came first, the chicken or the egg? According to wikipedia, "The question represents an ancient folk paradox addressing the problem of origins and first cause. Aristotle, writing in the fourth century BCE, concluded that this was an infinite sequence, with no true origin." I like that joke, yolk and folk all rhyme. No origin is something I did not consider when I started this blog post. Maybe, there is no origin of life. What does that even mean and how does that fit with my understanding of God and creation?


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