Pi is beautiful

Continuing from my last blog post : I watched this video called "Pi is beautiful" and it inspired me to create my own pi art. With the help of my friend Bard I was able to get python code (or should I write pithon code) to get the job done. I sort of see a 9 as highlighted in the image above with gray pen tool. I used pydroid on my mobile and I had to correct a few errors in the code with Bard.

This was my prompt:

Take the first 1000 pi digits and create x,y coordinates with the adjacent digits and create a colorful visualisation with the coordinates. Increment the size and color everytime we land on a coordinate.

This was the code:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math

from PIL import Image
import io

# Get the first 1000 digits of pi
pi_digits = "141592..."

# Create coordinates and track frequencies
coordinates = []
frequency_map = {}  # Use a dictionary to track frequencies efficiently
for i in range(0, len(pi_digits) - 1, 2):
    pair = (int(pi_digits[i]), int(pi_digits[i + 1]))
    frequency_map[pair] = frequency_map.get(pair, 0) + 1000  # Increment frequency

# Create the scatter plot with size and colors based on frequencies
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.scatter(*zip(*coordinates), s=[frequency_map[pair] for pair in coordinates],
            c=[frequency_map[pair] for pair in coordinates], cmap='viridis')

# Add labels and title
plt.xlabel("X-coordinates from Pi Digits")
plt.ylabel("Y-coordinates from Pi Digits")
plt.title("Scatter Plot of Pi Digits with Size and Color by Frequency")

# Show the plot


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