My notes from the book "Sick to fit"

My notes from this book. If you are interested in what I noted then give the book a read.

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Fun and scientific
Life changer
Josh's story
Eating, moving and thinking right
I think my genetics and mental illness and meds makes it much harder to lose weight and get fit
Hope is important
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NAQ - naturally attainable quantities
Community is important
Eating to deal with problems
Pragmatism and self-love
More than a fitness journey, its a lifestyle journey
Avoid burn out
One step at a time
Don't fall into the perfectionist trap
Learn from failure
Positive feedback loop
Results matter - it is the feedback we have
Beware of plateaus
Look for results that cannot be measured like happiness and curiosity
If when then plan
Unconscious vows and character decisions
NAQs answer the question, "does this question make sense"
The downside of living in our comfort zone
Find your community
You are what you eat
We should be eating primarily unprocessed plant food
Smart shopping for food and food choices
Nutritarians - people who make the best available nutritional choice under every given situation
The basis of a healthy diet is plants as close to their natural state as possible
Walking/running is good for the body, brain and mood
Muscle confusion
Stress (not the chronic type) is good for the body
Enter the stress/recovery cycle
Community gives us accountability, support and role models
Injury is real, pay attention to your body, do not overdo it
Believe in yourself
Every expert was once a beginner
Keep chasing hard, productive discomfort
Having a good mindset is important
Mistakes are learning opportunities
Failure + feedback + followthrough = growth
Delayed gratification helps with success
Have self-compassion on this journey
You are not alone
Get started and keep going


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