My notes from the book "Micro Habits"

My notes from this book. If you are interested in what I noted then give the book a read. I love self help books. Change begins with me. I love learning from others. I will review this list every morning and see how many I can accomplish and even add my own micro habits from time to time. Really has me thinking about how small steps can lead to big results.

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Turning our life around takes time
Small and manageable steps can help us avoid giving up early in the game
Focus through minimising distractions and temptations
Do some small exercise as soon as you wake up
The effectiveness of working out in the morning is backed by several studies
Morning workouts can help curb your appetite
Try less sugar. Sugar masks the taste and flavour of the food.
Try balancing on one leg at a time while doing a task like making a cup of tea - a great exercise for the brain apparently
Have good posture when sitting
Take regular breaks from staring at the screen
Do not multitask while eating, you may end up eating badly and too much (think mindful eating)
Take the stairs instead of the elevator - can be expanded to say take the longer route sometimes
Mobile websites are less addictive than apps
Curate your social media feeds. I like mostly the uplifting and positive stuff. Filter the drama from your life.
Feeling stressed, take a two minute break for deep breaths and relaxed postures
Drink water before meals - you may just be thirsty and you will eat less
Put dish soap on your plate right after eating so that you cut the urge to go for seconds
Brush teeth or have mints after meal to stop you from going for dessert
Dont go shopping on a hungry belly to avoid impulsive buying
Try new fruits and veges for a varied diet
Limit screen time
Keep a small notebook with you at all times
Change your mood by changing your phone wallpaper
Use wallpaper for reminders
Drink water first thing in the morning
Create your own micro habits


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