My notes from the book "Lessons from my life"

My notes from this book. If you are interested in what I noted then give the book a read. This is the best book I have read to date. I loved all of it and I will work to put what I learnt into practice. God bless the author Ahmad.

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Faith is not theoretical, it must be lived by
Focus on improvement
Treat others as you would like to be treated
Values-based vision guided by faith in God
Aim to mitigate the daily struggles of others
There is potential within us all
Life comprises of faith as the inner dimension and practice as the outer dimension
Believers must be exemplars
The true value of the Quran is in its ability to change people's lives
Islam is a religion of unity
We must deal with differences of opinions in a civilised manner
Do what you can and when you can because perfection is an attribute of God alone
Believers are constant givers
Success = the coming together of souls and ideas
Humility is required for this type of work (dawah work)
Value is in what is achieved not what is possesed
A holistic approach is important
Faith does not ignore any aspect of life
Faith is simple and based on principles and foundations
Theory must be matched with practical
Learn from the past
It is better to be centric rather than extreme
Exemplars (actions and speech) are important to our lives
Transparency is key to dealing with detractors
Consultation paves the path to success
Consultation begins with yourself
Successful leaders do not hold on to their position after fulfilling their service
Leaders must be humble
Dawah work is based on understanding the worth of every human being
No one is perfect
Go from good to better
Wisdom is the guide of the believer
Focus on positive things
Muslim society is built on Muslim values
Faith is not something theoretical, but a conviction one must live by
Remember the fundamental objective of promoting peace, understanding and good relations


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