IoT examples for Trinidad and Tobago

IoT stands for internet of things. It is about connecting devices. These devices can collect data and perform actions. We are talking use of sensors, devices, internet, analytics, big data and such. For me, an easy way to understand IoT is by using examples. As such, I am presenting 5 examples of how IoT could be used locally.

Flood alert sensors

A big problem we have in Trinidad and especially in the rainy season is flooding. Flood alert sensors could monitor the weather and water levels and provide location specific alerts. Sensors and analysis could also be used to notify us when and where to clean particular water courses.

Location of buses

If we knew when the next bus was coming or how soon we missed the last bus, we would be more inclined to take the bus. We can also monitor the number of persons at bus stops on the route. Over time with enough data the bus company could do some demand analysis and apply to scheduling and route management.

Connected guest books

What are tourists saying? What are the popular tourist spots? With connected guest books at tourist spots we can have some ideas. We can also be using connected tourist beacons that provide useful information amongst other things.

Location of parking spots

We could be monitoring the availability of parking spots especially in congested areas like Port of Spain. A system could then direct drivers looking for parking to the available spots or parking garages with space.

Agriculture sales

We could use connected scales in the markets to give us ideas about demands for certain crops. Vendors could also use the scale to advertise their prices. Consumers could see where the best prices are.


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