Things to consider as a tech professional

I have been working in tech for the past 18 years since graduating from university. In this blog post I am sharing some things that I think tech professionals should consider in their career journey, especially recent graduates.


A mentor would be an experienced and trusted adviser. I don't see much emphasis on this in Trinidad and Tobago. Is work overwhelming you? Are you unsure about your next career move? Dealing with imposter syndrome? These are examples of questions you can discuss with a mentor. There are many online articles that can help with how to choose a good mentor.


Forums and groups are great channels for knowledge sharing and discussion. Discussions on tech trends, tech news, tech events and the likes. Maybe you have a great idea and you want to share it. Maybe you are stumped by a coding bug. Maybe you want to help others. We have a handful of tech related forums in Trinidad and Tobago. Think also about starting your own forum. Tech changes quickly and often. Make sure you are keeping up with the latest.

Side hustle

Job security is very questionable. Be prepared to change jobs. Part of this is having something to fall back on. Maybe office work and working for others does not suit you. Maybe one day you can move from side hustle to full time entrepreneur or tech startup. Don't depend on your current job position. Look at other options and keep your options open.


A university degree is a good foundation but expect to need more than this as time goes by. Certifications, short courses and conferences are good ways to add to your learning. Learning is continuous and you need to keep up with the latest technologies. Certifications are proof that you have a good grasp of a particular technology. Some job postings have certs as a requirement.


Finally and most importantly, pay attention to your health and well being. Don't allow the pressures of professional life and modern living get the better of you. It is often stated that your health is your wealth. Don't kill yourself for the work. They will be looking for a replacement the next day and life does go on, so make your wellness a priority.


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