Huawei IT Day + Cloud

I was excited to cover today's event and write for my blog. Also, attendees would have the opportunity to win Huawei Watch GT 2 and Huawei Bands. These events are put together to highlight trends and talk about the future. This one looked at some of the Huawei technologies including storage, server and cloud. The first event for the English Speaking Caribbean and Latin America Region. Huawei IT Day was established a few years ago, and has been held in other locations globally.

I setup my laptop on my bed and waited for the start. Using split screen, I had the livestream in one window and my note taking app in another window. I put a knot in my window's curtain and let the tropical sunshine illuminate my room. The first speaker carded was the CEO and Country Manager of Huawei's Trinidad and Tobago office, Jeff Jin.

School and work from home are common in these times. A lot of focus on digital transformation. One area to look at is data storage. There is a shift to more intelligent, simplified and all-flash data centers. Added to this is a focus on performance. Investment and innovation is how Huawei aims for staying on top in this space. The first presentation went over several points including technical items related to why choose Huawei's all-flash storage.

The question I posed on the webinar was, "In Trinidad, who would be the target consumer of Huawei's storage array?" The response was, "Huawei Oceanstor family is very wide and has been developed in order to cover from small business cross industry to the highest demand scenarios by being based on a flexible and modular growth architecture."

The next presentation was on Huawei server technology. Huawei has a wide portfolio here. Then we looked at a demo of Huawei cloud. A term I have heard was cloudification which means the migration of data and apps to the cloud. Their cloud website can be found at The takeaway I got from this webinar was that if you are in the market for storage, server or cloud then consider the options from Huawei.


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