Digital Divide in Trinidad and Tobago

The last digital divide survey was done in 2013. TATT is currently doing an updated survey called Digital Inclusion Survey. The aim of this survey is to measure the digital divide in Trinidad and Tobago. Digital divide is the gap between those that have access to technologies and those that do not. Technology includes mobile, internet, computers and TV. This survey is mentioned in the national ICT plan and is the basis of some of the action items aimed at bridging the digital divide.

When the results of the last survey was released I had blogged about it as follows

The results of the digital divide survey has been published by TATT. I have glanced through the report and this is what I gather. It is long with a lot of metrics and expert language so I tried to simplify it in my mind as follows.

  • The main aim is "to pinpoint the underserved communities within Trinidad and Tobago".
  • The digital divide is the gap between those that have and do not have access to ICTs.
  • The service providers will be requested to provide service to the underserved areas.
  • Regions in Tobago trail those in Trinidad overall.
  • Underserved areas have poor infrastructure.
  • There is a link between a computer in the household and income level.
  • There needs to be incentives to get connected.

I look forward the results of the latest survey being released in a timely manner and I will blog about it on this blog. No doubt the pandemic has caused us to realise how important and useful technology is.


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