My Experience with Windows 11

I briefly tuned in for the Windows 11 launch last week and tweeted a few times and that was it. No real excitement from me. I have shifted to a mobile first workflow. Everything I have been doing on my mobile phone. To besides my laptop is 5 years old now and feels sluggish. I wanted to at least give Windows 11 a try so I could blog about it. I would be hoping for a speedier and effecient new OS that works on Windows 10 hardware. Performance is key for me.

Initially Microsoft had released a PC Health Check tool where you could see if your machine met the new hardware requirements for Windows 11 but that tool was pulled because of problems. When I turned on my laptop running Windows 10 Insider Preview Dev Channel I saw that there was a pending download for Windows 11 Insider Preview 10.0.22000.51 (co_release). I left my laptop on in the corner of my bed so it could download and then install. In the meanwhile I could watch youtube videos about the new features.

On the Windows blog they do indicate that there are known issues with this build. The download took about an hour on my 15 Mbps internet connection. The upgrade took about 3 hours. As I use the new OS I made notes of what stood out to me. They are, look and feel, widgets, runs android apps, improved windows management. I feel like it is faster than my Windows 10 install. I wanted to get the input of the Microsoft office in Trinidad but they don't have an email address or social media or online contact form.

What would get me to use my laptop? Coding. If I become active on stack overflow again or decide to write more coding blog posts. I am able to code on my mobile and I do challenge myself to see what I could do on my mobile. Termux on Android is very useful for that. When I am on my laptop I am mostly in the browser except when I am coding. A lot of the features seem useless to me BUT I must remember that the OS wasn't created for me alone. It is created for millions of users. I just want speed on old hardware. There should be a way to turn off features and make the OS faster on older hardware.


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