What is a Visionary?

Today I asked myself two questions. What is a visionary? And am I a visionary? Before heading over to Google to get a good definition of visionary, I would say that I think a visionary is someone with good ideas of how things could be and yes, in that case, I see myself as a visionary. Especially in the tech space. In my video, My Views on the Tech Space in Trinidad and Tobago, I suggested that we were not listening to the visionaries.

According to Oxford dictionary, a visionary is a person with original ideas about what the future will or could be like. My definition was missing the keyword "original". And yes, I still think I am a visionary. In my youtube bio I call myself an ideas machine. So what do I do with all these ideas? I mention some of my ideas from time to time, especially when asked to give feedback, example, My Roadmap to Recovery Submissions.

Often time I hear persons say that we need more action and less talk, more doers and less talkers. I agree but at the same time let's pay attention to the persons making good sense. I can't walk into the Ministry of Education today and start doing as I please. I can give them feedback, which I recently did. I suggested work from home for ministry staff, etextbooks for students and independent websites and systems reviewers.

I am primarily a tech blogger these days. As far as I know I am the only local tech blogger. This is what I do. This is a good role for me. I see a role for tech bloggers in our digital transformation push. One of the things I do is make myself easy to contact. A former coworker messaged recently for some coding help. I was able to fix the code in short time. I invite you to contact me for tech related things. Maybe it is a blog post topic suggestion. Maybe it is a local tech visionary you want me to interview. Maybe it is some feedback on how things can be made better is some area.

Am I doing enough to promote my ideas? I would say no. This is where I can improve. I need to do some SEO work on the blog to make it more found. I need to grow my social media presence. I need to connect more with persons in the tech space. You can help me also by sharing this blog post with your circles.


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