Tech in the budget, where are we headed?

It is Sunday and the day before the reading of the Trinidad and Tobago 2023 budget. I just ate my Sunday lunch and I decided to start this blog post. I don't know if I have the patience this year to listen to Mr Imbert read a lengthy budget document. I thought I might just wait for the document to be uploaded to the website but somehow I managed to listen to the whole thing while following the comments on youtube and twitter. This was my blog post from last year.

Where are we headed? The country has been running deficit budgets for several years. The cost of living is rising. Public servants want more salary. Crime is out of control. Foreign exchange is difficult for the ordinary man to source. The government has to balance our wants and spend against limited income. The government has managed to preserve public sector jobs so far and I applaud them for this. We need an intervention. Tech can be a driver of efficiency, lower spending and increased income.

Lets take a look at some of the tech related and other items mentioned in the budget that stood out to me. I was glad to hear about renewable energy and a solar power plant. 5G tech is being utilised at the phoenix park. Gas is going up so time to car pool and use public transport. A cashless agenda is being pursued. The key initiatives under digital transformation are, developers hub, national e-identity solution, connected Arima and open data. This is nothing new announced under digital transformation and I am disappointed but I also understand the digital transformation strategy is being worked on. Toco ferry port looks promising. Technology to be used in agriculture. Body cameras for police is on going. Refurbishment of youth development centers to take place. A one time transport grant of $1,000 for grant recipients is much needed and welcomed.

Can I be optimistic about our future after this budget? Yes I can but maybe I need to be a realist. What I cannot be is a pessimist that talks doom and gloom. I am thankful for the many good in spite of the bad. I would repeat what I said the last time, I wanted to see new ideas and innovation. I wanted to see a focus on technology. I put my hopes in the next generation of leaders. The next generation loves the technology. The next generation wants smart work over hard work. Think startup culture, work from home, online schooling and no traffic.


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