0G networks in Trinidad

What is a 0G network? 0G is wireless technology originating before cell phone technology such as PTT and IMTS. This was analog in nature. Today, a 0G network is a simple, secure, low cost and low power wireless network designed to send or receive small messages between IoT devices. There is no need for a SIM card. Sigfox is a major player in this space and has built out a 0G network across the world with a bunch of network operators using their technology.

I reached out to the Ministry of Digital Transformation, iGovTT and TATT in the same email and asked the following, "Is the Ministry or iGovTT doing any work to utilise 0G networks? Would this be part of connected Arima? What would be the role of TATT in us making use of 0G networks?" Only TATT responded as follows, "As the telecommunications regulator and spectrum management authority, TATT’s role will involve certification of wireless equipment to be used for 0G networks (i.e. equipment certification application), licensing of spectrum, where required and authorisation/non-objection to the purpose of use."

From my research so far there seems to be no 0G network roll out in Trinidad and Tobago. If you have knowledge of any then leave a comment for us. I am thinking that 5G will take some time to launch in Trinidad and this 0G network has some good selling points that makes using it in Trinidad inviting. See my related blog post, IoT examples for Trinidad and Tobago. Jamaica has recognised the usefulness of the technology and locally based company Amber is the first licensed operator in Jamaica. They have identified use cases like asset tracking, monitoring dam levels and panic devices among other uses.

Why do we need 0G if we have 5G? According to Sigfox's website, "0G and 5G technology do not directly compete with one another, neither can one replace the other. As technology develops, the world will come to depend greatly on the ultra-high speed and bandwidth enabled by 5G, while 0G acts as a safety net to ensure that we are always connected to one another. The fourth industrial revolution will be marked by massive Internet of Things adoption, and will rely on the full spectrum of connectivity from 0G to 5G." I was still unclear after reading that and I reached out to Sigfox.


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