Being persistent and standing up for yourself

Life is tough. The struggle is real. I have argued with persons before. Getting older I dont argue with persons anymore, I just ignore and move on. There is no right way, it is just a choice. There is advantage and disadvantage to everything. I do feel passionate about certain topics and I have taken stubborn positions before. Persons may not like you for this but persons will find any excuse not to like you anyways. Nonetheless, I am open to constructive criticism. I am learning everyday.

I came across this quote online and I wanted to blog about being persistent. "It's not that I’m so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer," from Albert Einstein. There are benefits to being persistent. I am a coder and techie so I know about troubleshooting and debugging. Trying and trying until the problem is solved. As a blogger I often have my questions ignored especially in the public sector but I still do. It is my duty and at the end of the day it cannot be said that I did not try and that I did not do my part. While being persistent I must also think about new ways to approach things to get a different result. Persistence is a good way to approach life being tough.

Another thing that helps is standing up for yourself. There are tons of articles online on the topic of taking a stance. Be brave and firm but be kind. This reminds me of something I tweeted. When asked what do you want to be when you grow up, my response would be to be kind. I must admit that I am not good at standing up for myself. This is something that I need to work on. I don't like confusion and bachannal and I prefer to live to fight another day. Again no right way, just choices and dealing with the advantages and disadvantages and consequences. However, the times that I have stood up for myself have felt good. That good feeling you get when you do the right thing.

It is good to stand up for yourself but it is better when you can also stand up for others. We can be champions for causes. We can advocate for others who are not in a position to do it for themselves. We can be agents of positive change. History is littered with persons who stood up and made a stance and defended a cause and made the world a better place. Many of the things we enjoy today is because someone who went before us paved the way.


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