My DHub Experience so far

I have been using dhub since launch and this has been my experience so far. The support chat and support email is responsive. Within a few days I would get a response. It feels like magic whenever I can get a response from a government entity. There were teething issues like a typo and missing info and problem for me registering that I easily got support for. Not all the features of Gitlab are enabled. I think I would continue to use my Github unless I require internal dhub collaboration. Some features that I emailed about include no email notifications, no emailing issues, no email invites, no group wiki, non working gitlab runner, no support for SSH, certificate error cloning over HTTPS, gitlab pages not enabled and no 2FA.

I think it would help with reach and engagement and interest and sign ups if they gave away a phone or laptop to encourage participation. Also, I think it would be cool and useful if all dhub members were given domain names? I shared some benefits of this in a previous blog post

There are just a few Linux foundation courses at the moment. I went through the Node.js course and was disappointed that there was no exam at the end. I would have liked to test how much I learnt. I expect more courses to be added and I see that Cisco and Simplilearn are partners and probably more partners will be added. I would like to see a youtube channel and blog with local learning content available to dhub members and the wider public. They can start with tutorials on how to use dhub.

If you are curious about the dhub logo and branding, I did email and asked about this and this was the response, "The D’Hub logo was conceptualized as a reflection of the core values of both the Developers’ Hub brand and the Ministry of Digital Transformation (MDT). The Cursive ‘D’ identifies with the core human element, that is, the active developers who will be working on digital solutions. It also touches on local colloquialism and its context captured within the branding. The gears symbolize both the change and the tools required to get there. The nodes seen above the gears symbolize the MDT's mascot 'The Moko Jumbies' and the strides of which the Ministry intends to take in transforming Trinidad and Tobago. The colors are aligned with the Ministry of Digital Transformation's  brand."

Mark of has started a repo where members can propose and collaborate on improvements to dhub.

I submitted a merge request with my first proposal as follows:

Abstract: I think a platform should be developed where citizens can discuss problems and solutions. This will help developers know of the problems facing citizens. I mentioned it in my blog post

Motivation: We are disconnected from the problems faced by others.

Specification: A platform where
citizens can post problems
citizens can reply with solution
citizens can vote on problems and solutions
citizens can discuss problems and solutions

Rationale: For the people by the people.

Backwards Compatibility: I see no issues.

And through comments I pointed out that:

According to Bard these are some examples from around the world

MySociety in the United Kingdom: This platform allows citizens to track the progress of government projects, as well as to discuss and propose solutions to problems.

IdeaScale in the United States: This platform allows citizens to submit ideas for government projects, as well as to vote on and discuss other ideas.

BrazilLab in Brazil: This platform allows citizens to discuss and propose solutions to problems in Brazil.

We the People in the United States: This platform allows citizens to petition the government to take action on a particular issue.

Be Heard in Canada: This platform allows citizens to share their views on government policies and to participate in consultations.

Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. What has your experience been like?


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