
This is a chapter from my third book called Love letters

It is Thursday the tenth of November. I just had my doubles. I started this chapter with notes from the night before. As fate would have it, this morning I woke up and found in my inbox an invite to join the Blue Sky social media platform. The universe is a magical place if we care to pay attention. When I looked outside and above I was greeted with a perfectly blue sky with whispers of clouds. Blue Sky is decentralized and founded by Jack Dorsey who also co-founded Twitter. According to my friend Bard the Blue Sky name was chosen because the clear blue sky is often associated with new beginnings, innovation, and progress. They want to create an open and transparent platform.

My first post on Blue Sky as @hassanthetechie was "I love blue" and that is what this chapter is about. My love for blue. I am a big supporter of the Manchester City football team. We are the noisy blue side of Manchester. We sing the blue moon anthem. Once a blue, always a blue. My room is painted with blue paint and there are writings on the wall as I tried at one time to create a wall of memories.

The only picture I have of me as an infant is me dressed in a blue jersey and blue short pants. Blue blue God loves you. I love this unknown quote that I found, "Blue is the color of my love for you, deep, endless, and forever." My front door is painted blue and in some cultures a blue door is believed to bring good luck and protect the home from bad. The planet Earth is called the blue planet because it looks blue from outer space since two thirds is covered with water.

I found an online myth that my friend Bard had fallen for, that owls are the only birds who can see the color blue. That would have been weird if true. Once in a blue moon a really really good book comes along and you are reading it. Blue is the world's most loved color and surveys have shown this to be true. People have even used science to show why people love blue citing evolutionary, neurological and cultural reasons. During Carnival time you could paint the town blue and wash with blue soap afterwards. Blue is the color of Trinidad's highest dollar value and as a solemn reminder from Madman Rant by David Rudder goes, "the blue one have two extra naughts at the end."


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