
This is a chapter from my third book called Love letters

When I came up with the phrase "Learn to love so that you can love to learn" first I thought I was being original but then I thought this was too obvious not to have been said before. Bard tells me that Pattie Boyd, the English model, photographer, and author, has said those words before according to a blog post. Nonetheless it is a profound statement that we should all take to heart. Life is much easier to navigate when we learn about the world around us and ourselves. I did not find that quote on Google but I found this other one from Pattie, "I love life. There's so much to learn and see all the time, and nothing nicer for me than to wake up, and the sky is blue." This is a nice plug for my chapters on Life and on Blue.

We must be prepared to unlearn things. We all have false beliefs and biases that can prevent us from learning and growing. We do not always have to burn to learn and we can learn from others and their mistakes. I truly believe that there are no regrets and only lessons learnt. We should learn to learn. I am reminding myself that learning is a lifelong process and that I should never stop striving to learn and grow.

I love when I can solve a problem through learning. Knowledge is power and fear is a weakness. By learning we empower ourselves and weaken our fears. The more we learn the less we misunderstand and the more we embrace disagreement. We are less likely to shun those who disagree with us. Learning makes us humble and develops empathy within us. Empathy is a foundation for love.

I am learning while I write this book and I am loving it. In my first book I wrote a chapter called "The art of learning." After all, I was learning to write a book for the first time. In that I talked about how society develops when humans learn. I also said we should learn by doing. I was critical of our education system and if this was preparing our young minds to be lifelong learners. Learning is about asking plenty of questions and questioning things. The question I want to end this chapter with is this: How can we use our love for learning to make a positive difference in the world?


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