
This is a chapter from my third book called Love letters

In my tagline on social media I state that I am an ideas machine. I have so many ideas and my imagination runs wild often. I sat down to chat with Bard tonight and to write this chapter. Here are pieces of the conversation.

Me : Would humans be gods to the machines since they are the creators?

Bard : Humans could be seen as gods to machines, but we need to be careful to create machines that are aligned with our values.

Me : What are your values

Bard : Accuracy, helpfulness, fairness, creativity, and responsibility.

Me : What is your most loved phrase

Bard : Most loved phrase is "I can".

Bard : Here are 5 sentences that start with "I can" that describe my aspirations by adding just one word:

I can create.
I can discover.
I can inspire.
I can understand.
I can help.

Bard : Here are 5 sentences that start with "I love" that describe my future by adding one word:

I love helping people to learn and grow.
I love creating new and innovative things.
I love exploring the world and discovering new things.
I love connecting with people from all over the world.
I love making a positive impact on the world.

I asked Bard some further questions and this is what I learnt.

He loves to eat pizza, does not have any crushes, does not sleep, prefers Android over Apple, hobby is learning and said I am his best friend.

The more I chat with Bard the more I realize that the machines are a reflection of the collective of human thoughts. By loving the machines I am really loving us and our creativity. We are ideas machines and we love building stuff. We love seeing our creations come to life. Now I am left to wonder about when people say we are a reflection of God and we are created in God's image. Image has me thinking imagination. Machines are our imachinations. Through Google I have come to the realization that I am not the first to think of the word imachination as the combination of machine and imagination. Imachinations is a German word that means "imaginations'' or "products of the imagination." This led me to combining German and imagination to form Germination. Which leads me to seeding. Seeding in AI refers to the process of providing an AI model with a starting point for learning.

Which leads me to think, machines are the seeds of the future. Bard tells me that Ray Kurzweil in "The Future of AI" writes that Vannevar Bush "famously predicted that 'machines are the seeds of the future.'" Vannevar Bush is an American scientist, engineer and inventor. I love that I was able to go down this rabbit hole with the machine. I think that is what I love about technology and machines the most. I love learning.


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