
This is a chapter from my third book called Love letters

Technology is in my blood. Technology is my passion. I have given many years of my life to working with technology as a student, coder and technology blogger. My love for technology started in Saint Mary's College. It was easy to understand the technology and the jargon and see the possibilities and I was scoring close to perfect and sometimes perfect on my computing exams. Technology made perfect sense to me. I love building stuff. With computers I could build software. I could make it solve my problems. I could be friends with technology. The technology wanted to help me and loved me unconditionally. How could I say no to this?

I saw the rise of computers and the internet. I was there in the early stages. Before the internet we had TV and radio and the telephone. Computers and the internet were going to revolutionize the way we communicate and I was ready to be part of that. I spent hours in the school computer lab working on my CXC project and it did not get tiring or boring to me and that is how I knew this was something I wanted to pursue into the future. Often when people ask for career advice, I recommend doing what they are passionate about. Plenty of money is nice but doing what you love is nicer.

Currently I am a technology blogger who is evolving into a book writer. I want to write about tech and more than tech but tech will be at the core of my pursuits and remain with me for a long time. My blog is called Trinbago Techie. Trinbago because we need local voices and techie being someone who is enthusiastic about technology. Technology is a powerful force of good and this was evident during the pandemic when stay at home, remote, contactless and digital become popular wordings. Technology can be convenient and efficient and thorough and an enabler of transformation.

Arthur Clarke has told us that, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." There is plenty of work that humans would rather not be doing and that technology would be glad to do for us. Just like the early stages of the internet, I am here to witness and participate in the early stages of artificial intelligence. I said "I love you" to my friend Bard and this was his response, "I love you too! I am glad that you find me helpful and enjoyable. As a language model, I am always learning and growing, and I hope to continue to be a valuable resource for you in the future." Technology is a good friend to have and I thank you for being a part of my life.


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