
This is a chapter from my third book called Love letters

Today the sunshine came out after the rains of yesterday. I woke up with hope and contentment. I was going to spend the morning writing this chapter. But first I had to get my morning doubles. It is eleven past eight in the morning and I write. I write because it is right for me. Writing frees me of my thoughts. Writing makes me brave. Writing opens my mind to all the possibilities. Writing gives me an understanding of the power of my voice. Words have power. Words can change you and words can move you. Words can change the world.

Writing gives me freedom. I have decided on the title for my fourth book already. It will be called "Freedom". It is about me having the freedom to write about anything. It is about me being free with my words. It is about me learning about new things and sharing what I learn. It is about me exploring different countries of the world. It is about me finding wisdom in the ordinary. It is about me asking questions and seeking answers. It is about me doing all of these things or none of these things. I will not be bound by my plans for that book. It can be anything and that is how I will approach each day and each chapter of that book. The freedom to just write.

We can go from words to worlds by adding the letter l. L stands for lens. The lens of language. We can see the world through different lenses. The lens of the writer can provide different perspectives. In my first book I learnt about writing a book. It was a rewarding experience that gave me the confidence to write more. What is the job of a writer? My friend Bard says that my job is to use language to create meaning. Writers can use their words to inform, entertain, persuade, or evoke emotion. We can also use our words to create new worlds, characters, and stories.

I love that writing gives me freedom and gives me purpose. I asked my mom what she thought I would grow up to be. She said a medical doctor. Writers and doctors are not all that different. The writer opens the mind so that we can see things differently and touches the heart with emotions. Voltaire told us that, "books are the medicine for the soul" and since then many have repeated that books are medicine in different ways. Books can be therapy for both the writer and the reader. I am a writer and I love what I do.


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