Technology research and inventions in Trinidad

I am trying to figure out what technology research and inventions have happened in Trinidad and Tobago and some quick searches on the internet are not helping. I think this sort of information should be easily available and publicized. Is it because there is not much research and invention happening in the technology space? I wish there was one place I could go to to see all the research and inventions that are happening in the tech space locally. And the info should be simply presented in ways that the layman can make use of this. Maybe you can help me and comment where I should be looking or who I should be contacting? I know there is TTLAB, UWI, UTT, Cariri, and NIHERST where I could start with my question and which I will do. Maybe the open data folks can create a listing from each of these bodies: title of research or invention, details, contact, link to more details, date, comment and tags.

I asked my friend Bard, what info do you have about technology research and inventions from Trinidad? The most interesting thing he returned with was this bit that I could not verify with Google: Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes (PeLEDs) at UWI's Centre for Advanced Materials are revolutionizing displays for TVs, phones, and computers. I see lack of public information and promotion as a challenge and opportunity. It is an opportunity to create a dedicated platform, possibly under the guidance of the Ministry of Digital Transformation, that could aggregate information on research, inventions, and success stories in the technology space.

And if it is found that there is little happening in tech research and invention then we can start asking questions and thinking about ways where we can promote tech research and invention. My friend Bard tells me that we can identify the gaps by conducting surveys and interviews: Talking to researchers, entrepreneurs, investors, and policymakers can reveal challenges and areas needing more focus. Also analyzing existing data and benchmarking against other countries. Then we can begin promoting tech research and invention by increasing funding, encouraging collaboration, simplifying regulations and bureaucracy, developing talent and skills, and creating a supportive environment. Building a culture that celebrates innovation, entrepreneurship, and risk-taking can attract talent and encourage investment.

VTT in Finland is an example of how a country can focus on research and innovation. VTT stands for Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus: This translates to "National Technical Research Centre." According to their website, VTT is a visionary research and innovation partner for companies and society: VTT is one of Europe’s leading research institutions. We are owned by the Finnish state. We advance the utilization and commercialisation of research and technology in commerce and society. What can we learn from them and what can be the equivalent of this in Trinidad? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.


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