Does pineapple belong on pizza?

This is a chapter from my fourth book called When hunger yearns

A Greek-Canadian by the name of Sotirios "Sam'' Panopoulos is credited as making the first pineapple pizza back in 1962. Panopoulos named the dish Hawaiian pizza after the brand of canned pineapple used on the pie. Ever since then we have debated whether pineapple belongs on pizza. The arguments even descend into jokes like "that is not even a pizza that is a pizza colada". The math geeks will tell you that pineapple belongs on pizza because they both begin with pi. The debate went viral on Twitter in 2017 with many celebrities weighing in. There have been some other food wars on Twitter like "Should butter go in the fridge?" or "Is a hot dog a sandwich?" To me this exemplifies that humans love a good debate and we love to defend our choices. I think this can be studied as the psychology behind arguments. Stuff like gatekeeping, tribalism, confirmation bias, social validation and out-group derogation.

Everyone has different tastes and preferences. Taste is subjective. Instead of asking a blanket question we should be asking, does pineapple belong on MY pizza? The answer for me is yes. Pineapple belongs on my pizza. The answer for you is totally up to you. To me with pineapple pizzas you get to enjoy the best of both worlds, the sweet and the savory. Live and let live. Words to live by. It is your life. It is your slice of life. Because you dislike something does not mean I have to dislike it too. Even Hawaiian sounds like How-I-am. Our differences make us who we are and make the world go round. Think outside the box of pizza. Pizza is a blank canvas just like life is a blank canvas. We get to create our own masterpieces. Let us celebrate the pizza-bilities. I want to try fried plantain on pizza. I want the crust to be an oaty wholewheat crust with sesame seeds. I want the cheese to be Brillat Savarin. There are three sides to every debate, yours, mine and the truth. Maybe the truth here is that it does not matter and that it is all just food to satisfy our hunger and sustain us.


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