I should be writing more on this blog and when I thought about it this morning, I asked myself, am I a good writer? What makes a good writer and do I need to be a good writer? I can be a savvy writer but then suppose my content is not readable by the average person. My writing is an expression of me and in a style that is mines and that is something I do not want changed. I am not writing enough for this blog. I started off writing blog posts consistently and it was looking good but then I slowed down. When I think about it, I come to the conclusion that I am thinking too much and trying too hard when I just need to write. Let it flow, enjoy writing and let it be a fun experience. So what if the blog post is not put together and banging, once I am writing and having fun. The more I write, the better I would get anyway. The other thing is motivation. If you are reading this then leave a comment to let me know that you are reading. Then there are no other local tech bloggers that I know....