What is a juqebox?

This is a chapter from my fourth book called When hunger yearns

I decided to take all my chapter titles so far and analyze them and see what I could find interesting. I found that I had used all the letters in the alphabet except j,q and x. I looked to see if there was any word containing those letters so that I would use it in a question and I would have used all letters in my titles. There was no such word. I did find the word quixotic that contains the letter q and x which means impractical, especially when pursuing ideals. I however found a misspelling of jukebox. The intentional misspelling of words or brand names for attention-grabbing purposes is called cacography. I found several instances of juqebox. A record company, a streaming platform and even MRI software. I found a musical artist called juqe and I learnt that juque is Spanish for hand drums.

With a jukebox you insert a coin and it automatically plays a selected song. Classic jukeboxes are now rare. When I think of jukeboxes I think of the words retro, nostalgia and bygone era. I have never used a jukebox. I would really like to know where in Trinidad has a jukebox open to the public? Perhaps in the museum? The cassette player is my music player of days gone by. I still have one that works from my university days that is more than 20 years old. There will come a time in the future when some things we consider modern accouterments will just fade away just like the jukebox. According to what I read jukebox comes from the 1930s term juke which was a small restaurant where people could drink, eat, and dance. Juking was a term for getting rowdy and dancing.

Just like you put the quarter in the jukebox, I put the q in jukebox. I put the question in juqebox and the result was this chapter. "You put the quarter in the jukebox" is an idiom that means you created a situation and must accept the consequences. This is true to some extent but I am much more optimistic than pessimistic. We can always keep trying. Keep putting quarters in the jukebox until we find that perfect song or we run out of quarters. Life is like a hungry jukebox, it will eat all your quarters. Not going to run out of questions though. "Only the one who does not question is safe from making a mistake," was what Albert Einstein said. The Beatles have the songs "Ask Me Why" and "Tell Me Why". "Ask Me Why" doesn't ask any questions, while "Tell Me Why" does. I put my bob in the jukebox and select the Beatles song "Ask Me Why". According to a Reddit post, this song is about the magical quality of love that can't be explained. I search my pocket for another bob and there was none else I would have played "Tell Me Why".


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