Where is the rain?

This is a chapter from my fourth book called When hunger yearns

It is 111pm and I can hear some thunder outside. The sky has darkened but no rain just yet. I just ate egg and bread for lunch. I am snuggled in the corner of my bed and I am in the mood to write. I do not know where my thoughts will take me but I hope the destination is beautiful. I opened up Google and I entered "love is the answer" and kept scrolling down the results page aimlessly until I landed on a result that led me to an art piece by Mr Brainwash of Einstein holding a sign that read "Love is the answer". Did Einstein really say "love is the answer" and to what question? I ended up on an article that talked about our fascination with quoting Einstein and sometimes wrongly so and that there seems to be a bottomless ocean of Einstein quotes. I am one who is guilty of being drawn to Einstein quotes. I read a quote by Reinhold Niebuhr that had me thinking, "There is nothing more irrelevant than an answer to a question nobody asks." Questions lead to answers and answers lead to questions.

I went looking for an Einstein rain quote. Surely if the ocean of Einstein quotes is bottomless there would be one. But how long does it take to search a bottomless ocean? I ended up on a blog post titled "Why did Einstein remove his hat in rainy weather?" The answer as Einstein said it himself, "You see, my hair has withstood water many times before, but I don’t know how many times my hat can." Before Einstein was Newton. Another scientific mind. Newton said, "What we know is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean." Maybe the rain is over the ocean. In doing research I came across Walter Munk. Walter was dubbed the "Einstein of the Oceans". He was an oceanographer and geophysicist. I went looking for a Walter Munk rain quote but could not find any. Maybe instead of looking for rain quotes, I should be looking for raincoats for when the rain eventually arrives.

Which led me to this New York Times article which I cannot access because I do not have a subscription. "Einstein Refuses to Give Time To Be Fitted for a Raincoat". The article is from December 1st 1930. Just like I do not know where the rain has gone, I do not know where this story goes. I cannot give you the story but I can give you a riddle that doubles as a joke. What did the rain cloud wear under his raincoat? A thunderware. Haha. I am laughing up a storm. A riddle that makes you giggle. What a jiggle! I read that Einstein predicted that the thermal energy of small particles would manifest as a jiggling motion, visible under the microscope. Brownian motion is the random motion of particles suspended in a medium. I think if Einstein had a dance named after him we should call it "the jiggle". All this talk of randomness led me to another Einstein quote. "God does not play dice with the universe." I also read about how this quote is often misunderstood. Which brings an end to my "seemingly random" quest to find out where the rain is? The rain is not here (at least where I live) and I do not have an answer but Einstein has told us that, "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." Where is the rain? To question or to complain? Maybe the rain is in my brain. How else could I explain?


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