
This is a chapter from my sixth book called Alphabet Soup - A different kind of cook book

I was thinking about recipes for disasters and how to avoid them. Put simply this is a situation likely to end badly. It is an idiomatic expression. It uses the metaphor for a recipe suggesting that if we combine certain elements and follow certain paths this is likely to lead to disaster. For example if you are Trinidadian you typically know that you should avoid eating doubles with drinking a Supligen. I have never tried this but I could just imagine the consequence especially if you will not be near a toilet for some time. The first use or earliest use of "recipe for disaster" is not documented or at least I could not find this. The Simpsons show has earned a reputation for predicting the future. I think about Homer Simpson who is often portrayed as a classic "recipe for disaster" character. His good intentions are frequently overshadowed by his impulsive decisions, lack of foresight, and general clumsiness. My friend Gemini thinks that his character is a comedic goldmine because his actions consistently result in hilarious and often disastrous outcomes.

The book "Recipe for Disaster" by Alison Riley gave me another way to look at the phrase. What are some foods that we turn to when disaster strikes? The book is described as stories about finding comfort in food, surviving the unthinkable, and living to tell about both. The Amazon store states, "Featuring funny, heartbreaking, bittersweet, but always relatable essays and interviews that inspire recognition and laughter, accompanied by inspirational (and sometimes unconventional) recipes". Just how I have started this book and the progression I envision. Humour mixed in with inspiration. I found this joke that went over my head at first. The customer says, "I would like 125 copies of the new cookbook about grits." The book seller responds, "Hominy?" I got it after my friend Gemini explained it to me. Hominy can be made with grits and hominy sounds like how many. Who knew? The more you live, the more you learn.

You really do require grit and determination to survive some disasters. My friend Gemini tells me that these qualities, coupled with preparedness and knowledge, can significantly increase one's chances of weathering a storm. We can learn a lot from others when we look to avoid recipes for disasters. Studying past disasters is crucial for building resilience. We can learn invaluable lessons from the mistakes made, the successes achieved, and the strategies employed. For me one way to avoid disaster or at least be strong enough to deal with disaster is to live a life with God. Here is a joke. Which pastry is the most religious? The donut. Its holiness cannot be denied. Do not (or should I say donut) live a life without prayer. Exactly while writing this my mom barged in the room shouting "disaster, all the eggs freeze up". She had already sauteed the onions, garlic and seasoning to make eggs but I had put the eggs in the fridge door instead of the below tray and now they were frozen and unusable. This happens with our fridge. A real life recipe for disaster. We made tin salmon instead. And that is my sermon.

*The word hominy reminds me of homily


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