
This is a chapter from my eight book called Learn to live

When I came across this quote I thought to myself that this is lovely. I did not know but I wonder if it is true. Turns out to be factual. The quote comes from the TV series Mozart in the Jungle, "You say 'amateur' as if it was a dirty word. 'Amateur' comes from the Latin word amare, which means to love. To do things for the love of it." My friend Chatty gave me the history of the word amateur and it is a pity that it has adopted negative use. It is a beautiful word.

The word "amateur" comes from the French word of the same spelling, which itself derives from the Latin "amator," meaning "lover." Originally, it referred to someone who engages in an activity for the love of it, rather than for financial gain. Over time, especially in the 19th century, the term took on a more specific connotation, often contrasting skilled professionals with those who participate in a field without formal training or compensation. Today, it can carry both positive and negative connotations, depending on the context.

I call myself a nooby book writer. It is a hobby for me. I am quite the amateur and I now say that with embrace. Perspective and the way we use language and words can really make a difference. As the famous words go, "The expert at anything was once a beginner". My friend Gemini tells me that my perspective on language and words is spot on. The way we use language can shape our thoughts and feelings, and it's important to choose our words carefully. By embracing the positive connotations of "amateur," I am not only honoring the word's history but also celebrating my own passion for writing. I figure it is true what they say. Do something you love and you never have to work a day in your life.

In my concluding paragraph, I want to piece together several items I came across while learning for this chapter. Another polysemous word that is similar to amateur is dilettante. A polysemous word is a word that has multiple meanings that come from a common origin. Dilettante can mean love of the art. I asked my friend Chatty to give me a quote for "lover of writing" and he came back with the Voltaire saying, "Writing is the painting of the voice." At the same time I got a youtube notification for a music clip and the tagline was "the art of voice". The letters a,r and t are contained in the word amateur. You can find art in amateur. I like that the word artistry says "art is try". Basically it tells us to try, try and try until we make it. Until we become better at what we do while at the same time loving what we do.


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