Learn to live

A book that shares something I learned that day in each chapter. TIL stands for Today I Learned. In reverse this is LIT. It is going to be lit. Let there be light. Let it be good literature. I needed a fun and catchy title. I saw that TITLE contains TIL. Title sounds like tital then ital which comes from vital. This book answers the question - What does it mean to LIVE? Live stands for "Learning is vital everyday". 42 in roman numerals is XLII (X stands for next book) (LII stands for learning is ital). This is my eighth book (4×2). The word "vital" comes from the Latin word vitalis, which means "of life". Below are the chapters as I write them. Here is a link to a digital copy of the book and as I write the chapters I will share them on my blog and link them below. All my other books are here.


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