My Digital Transformation Ideas

The MDT website has a form for submitting ideas. I submitted my ideas in the form of this blog post. The following are the ideas that I have that come to mind. I encourage you to share your ideas with them also.

  • Track next bus and pay fare with app
  • Encouraged use of FOSS by government, private sector and public
  • TATT approval for Starlink satellite internet
  • Work with Paypal to make it officially supported locally
  • Make work from home the norm
  • Tech as a core subject like Maths and English
  • Etextbooks
  • A local developer survey
  • Text to donate system
  • Encourage hackathons and participation
  • Mandate all government bodies to provide at least 10 open data sources
  • Tech labs as described in my video
  • Locally developed workflow platform for the government
  • Public tech education campaigns
  • Make Tobago and Trinidad remote work destinations
  • IoT flood alert sensors
  • Plan and action to hasten IPv6 adoption
  • Experimental CBDC
  • Laptops for students who cannot afford
  • Independent reviews and testing of government software, apps, web apps, services
  • Cheaper 15 Mbps internet package for low income households from the ISPs
  • Mandatory job posting database
  • Tourist feedback app
*I think they should list out the problems when asking for ideas because our experiences and perspectives are limited. Most of the problems out there we might not be aware of because it has not touched our realm. I might have more ideas to contribute if I knew what the problems were. Also, as pointed out to me, we should be matching ideas against a vision, goals and objectives.


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