My input for a more digital Trinidad and Tobago

The Ministry of Digital Transformation is asking for our input towards our Digital Transformation Strategy document. I gave my input and I am encouraging you to also do so here

This is what I had to say

What does "Digital Transformation" mean to me

Productivity, efficiency and diversification through use of tech. We should be earning more foreign exchange.

Some key improvements I would want after thinking about the digital future of Trinidad and Tobago
  • Improvements in the ease of doing business
  • Work from home for the disabled
  • Support for tech startups
  • Support for companies earning foreign exchange
  • More tech savvy persons through tech education and tech in education
  • Efficient and user friendly government services
  • Education that produces all-round and upstanding citizens not just beating books
  • Support for coders
  • Grow more food with smart farming
  • Lower our import bill

Some of the experiences I would want to have in a digitally advanced Trinidad and Tobago
  • No lines at government offices
  • I should be able to fill out my forms online
  • I should be able to make appointments online
  • I should be able to talk to my doctors online (telemedicine)
  • I should be able to query any government office online. And if my query is not answered it goes to the next person in charge.

Some of my suggestions or ideas of things to be included in the development of Trinidad and Tobago's National Digital Transformation Strategy
  • Locally developed workflow platform for the government
  • Tech labs as described in my video
  • Public tech education campaigns
  • Make work from home the norm


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